
The Holding company for construction and development owns 10 companies categorized as follows: 5 contracting companies, 1 company for Designs and Engineering consultations, 3 housing companies, 1 electricity company.

Companies working outside the Arab Republic of Egypt are:
  • Nasr Genral Contracting Co.(Hassan Allam)
  • Misr Concrete Development Co.
  • High Dam Electrical & Industrial Projects Co. (HIDELECO)
  • Societe Egyptienne D’entreprises (Moukhtar Ibrahim)
  • The Egyptian Contracting Co. (El Abd)

two men working

Contracting companies

-Nasr General Contracting Co. (Hassan Mohamed Allam) 
-Societe Egyptienne d‘Enterprises Moukhtar Ibrahim
-The Egyptian Contracting Co. El Abd
-El Nasr Building and Construction Co. Egyco
-Misr Concrete Development Co.

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Housing companies

-El Nasr Housing and Development
-Heliopolis Co. For Housing and Development
-Maadi Co. For Development and Reconstruction

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An architect working on a draft with a pencil and ruler

Designs and Engineering consultations

-The Arab bureau For Designs & Engineering Consultation

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white electric power generator

Electricity companies

-High Dam Electrical and Industrial Projects Co. Hideleco

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